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The Ultimate Guide To Learning About International Students Rights In USA

As an international student studying in the USA, it is important that you should be aware of student rights in USA. Having sound knowledge of your international student rights enables you to safeguard yourself in case of situations and avoid any mishaps that could lead to legal issues. Apart from being a world-class study destination for international students globally, the country also offers a range of student rights and responsibilities to safeguard its overseas student community better. Thus, it is important to take notes to retrieve the rights and responsibilities of students in US.

Important International Student Rights To Remember When Staying In The USA

As an international student, you can avoid facing any issues such as discrimination or exploitation. Understanding the US student’s rights and responsibilities will enable you to conduct the same actions as how a local USA resident would. Here is the complete list:

  • Right to free speech as the local USA residents
  • Right to freedom of expression
  • Right to practice your own religion
  • Right to not have any seizures or illegal searches at your home, car or yourself
  • Right to remain silent during a circumstance
  • Right to engage with the consulate of your home country
  • Right to have an attorney or lawyer with them in case of answering any legal queries
  • Right to have a hearing before any judge
  • Right to not open the door to police officers unless a warrant is exhibited
  • Right to be protected against any discrimination based on gender, race, colour, age, religion and disability
  • Right to access all quality academic resources offered by your chosen academic institution
  • Right to have your personal and academic details protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Your details will only be shared as per your consent or as permitted by the law
  • Right to access any medical services and other related support during your academic study period
  • Right to access student support services
  • Right to express fair treatment in case any conflicts have occurred between you and the academic institution
  • Right to access an English language support service to improve your overall English language skills
  • Right to access quality education and be analysed based on academic performance and capabilities of an overseas students
  • Right to receive fair and equal treatment when finding an accommodation in the USA
  • Right to apply for any on-campus employment opportunities
  • Right to access advice on USA immigration issues and seek legal assistance whenever required
  • Right to access information related to your education program, tuition fee costs, housing costs and other related academic costs in detail
  • Right to share grievances related to housing or any related academic matters
  • Right to participate in any student organizations, student clubs and any other extra-curricular activities
  • Disable students have the right to receive equal opportunity when accessing any educational facilities or services
  • Right to access details related to health insurance options and benefits included before investing in any
  • Right to be treated with respect
  • Right to meet your family members via a dependent visa
  • Right to be protected against any fraud practices conducted by an academic institution
  • Right to be protected against any bullying or harassment based on a student’s cultural background or nationality
  • Right to participate in student committees irrespective of being an international student
  • Right to receive any career or academic counselling
  • Right to have your complaint heard and processed
  • Right to protection against any contract violations made with regard to housing, tuition or related services
  • Right to intellectual freedom
  • Right to be protected against any inappropriateness or abuse from school staff
  • Right to receive a travel signature from DSO (Designated School Official) for students to re-enter the USA again
  • Right to receive fair grading practices
  • Right to protect your privacy during academic counselling sessions
  • Right to be protected against forced labour and human trafficking
  • Right to participate in career fairs and networking events
  • Right to be informed in case any interruptions are experienced during a student’s academic study period
  • Right to cross-question academic decisions
  • Right to not face any discrimination when finding a job in the USA
  • Right to be protected against any kind of academic exploitation
  • Right to avoid any monitoring or surveillance practices
  • Right to protect any medical records
  • Right to not disclose immigration status to anyone except for the law authorities
  • Right to be informed in prior with regards to a tuition fee increase
  • Right to be protected in case of conducting research that includes human subjects
  • Right to participate in classroom discussions equally
  • Right to access scholarships and other financial aid equally
  • Right to access legal resources with regard to any lease agreements
  • Right to be protected against any exploitations conducted during work hours in the USA (with regards to wages or work hours)

Apart from the above-listed rights, students should adhere to a set of responsibilities when pursuing higher education in the USA. This includes:

  • Maintaining your visa status and following all the visa rules listed by the US immigration
  • Adhere to all the employment-related rules when it comes to conducting off-campus work
  • Engage in all cultural exchange activities
  • Update your contact details with your DSO (Designed school officials)
  • Write down emergency contacts
  • Pay the US taxes on time (if applicable)
  • Have a social security number to work in the USA
  • Get a health insurance
  • Adhere to all the academic and professional work environment rules as followed by the local USA residents


The USA has always made it easy for international students to feel at home in their own country. By listing a range of student rights in the USA, the country has proven their care and attention towards helping international students at any point during their academic journey here. This list also comforts students who have left everything behind to settle in this new country. So, if you’re considering or planning to apply to US universities, you should go confidently ahead. If you wish to receive assistance on the same, book a free 1-1 counselling session with our expert counsellors today!

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