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Study In Ireland

Grading System in Ireland

The grading system in Ireland varies across institutions. Most institutes follow a unique grading system. The minimum score for passing in Ireland is 40%. The following is a common grading system followed by Irish universities.

Percentage of Grade Description International Scale
70% or above First Class Honours A (Excellent)
69% – 60% Upper Second Class Honours B (very good, with few errors)
59% – 50% Lower Second Class Honours C (good, with some errors)
49% – 45% Third Class Honours D (satisfactory, with many errors)
44% – 40% Leaving Certificate Grading Compensating Fail. This is the minimum passing grade E (sufficient)

The following examples of grading across universities will help you understand it better.

Dublin City University (DCU)

Percentage of Grade Degree Classification Description
70% – 100% First Class Honours Excellent, exemplary, thorough, clear, and free of errors.
60% – 69% Second Class Honours, First Division Good, well-structured, only minor omissions or errors.
50 – 59% Second Class Honours, Second Division Fair, satisfactory, content, some less developed areas, errors.
40-49% Third Class Honours Adequate, or barely adequate, substantial errors and/or omissions
Less than 40% Insufficient does not meet the minimum expected standards Fail

University College Cork (UCC)

Percentage of Grade Degree Classification Description
70% – 100% First Class Honours Excellent, exemplary, thorough, clear, and free of errors.
60% – 69% Second Class Honours, Grade 1 Good, well-structured, only minor omissions or errors.
50 – 59% Second Class Honours, Grade 2 Fair, satisfactory, content, some less developed areas, errors.
45-49% Third Class Honours Adequate, or barely adequate, substantial errors and/or omissions
40-44% Poor; meets minimum expectations Pass
40-44% Insufficient does not meet the minimum expected standards Fail

National University of Ireland

Percentage of Grade Description Grade Honors
70 – 100% Excellent; exceeds expectations A H1
60 – 69% Very good; meets all expectations B H2.1
50 – 59% Good; meets most expectations C H2.2
40 – 49% Poor; meets minimum expectations D Pass
Less than 40% Fail; does not meet expectations F Fail

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