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Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT)


GMAT Focus Edition

In response to the rapidly evolving business landscape, the GMAC ( Graduate Management Admission Council) has introduced a new exam called GMAT Focus for 2023. This change aims to ensure that the GMAT remains an accurate and dependable measure of the skills necessary for success in the field. The GMAT Focus exam emphasizes advanced critical reasoning and data literacy skills, which are highly relevant and applicable to the future of the business world. Students will still be able to take the test on the old version until January 31, 2024. Here are some quick facts about GMAT Focus Edition: 


  • The GMAT Focus Edition comprises three sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Data Insights. 
  • The GMAT Focus Edition is 2 hours and 15 minutes long, with an optional 10-minute break. 
  • The GMAT Focus Edition consists of a total of 64 questions. 
  • All the 64 questions are multiple-choice, which means no more writing sections. 
  • You have the flexibility to complete three sections in whatever order you like. 
  • The Quantitative Reasoning section no longer contains Data Sufficiency questions. 
  • The GMAT Focus edition offers review & editing for all sections, allowing you to edit up to three answers. 
  • The GMAT Focus Edition features an improved score report that provides detailed performance insights. 
  • The official score will be available within 3 to 5 days. 
  • You have the option to send your score to up to 5 schools without any additional cost. 
  • You can prepare for the new edition of GMAT in just six weeks. 

Difference Between Old GMAT and GMAT Focus Edition

  GMAT  GMAT Focus Edition 
Exam Structure  The GMAT has 4 sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, Integrated Reasoning, and Analytical Writing Assessment.  The GMAT Focus Edition has 3 sections: Quantitative Reasoning, Verbal Reasoning, and Data Insights. 
Test Duration   3 hours and 7 minutes with two 8-minute break  2 hours and 15 minutes with an optional 10-minute break 
Order of Taking Test  Choose from 3 predefined section orders  Flexible, can attempt sections in any order 
Number of Questions  80 questions are asked in total.  64 questions are asked in total. 
Scoring   Has a score range of 200 - 800.  Has a score range of 205 - 805.  

GMAT Focus Edition Test Structure

Section  Number of Questions  Question Types  Time  Score Range 
Quantitative Reasoning  21  Problem-Solving questions   45 minutes  From 60 - 90 
Verbal Reasoning  23  Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning questions  45 minutes  From 60 - 90 
Data Insights  20  Integrated Reasoning and Data Sufficiency questions  45 minutes  From 60 - 90 
      Total Time: 2 hours and 15 minutes  Total Scores Range: 205 - 805 

GMAT Focus Edition Quantitative Reasoning Section 

The GMAT Focus Edition Quantitative Reasoning section now only comprises Problem-Solving questions. This section assesses your fundamental understanding of algebra and arithmetic, as well as your ability to apply these principles in problem-solving. It consists of 21 Problem-Solving questions. 

These question types demand a grasp of basic arithmetic and elementary algebra. Success in answering them depends on your logical and analytical aptitude rather than your mathematical expertise. It’s important to note that you cannot use a calculator during this section. 

GMAT Focus Edition Verbal Reasoning Section 

This section assesses your skills in comprehending written material and in the evaluation of arguments. It comprises 23 questions, including those related to Reading Comprehension and Critical Reasoning. The GMAT Focus Edition Verbal Reasoning section no longer has Sentence Correction questions.


  • Reading Comprehension questions gauge your capacity to grasp the meaning of words and statements, understand logical connections between key ideas, make inferences, and track the progression of quantitative concepts. Specifically, these reading skills will be evaluated: identifying the main idea, recognizing supporting ideas, drawing inferences, applying knowledge, discerning logical structure, and assessing style. 
  • Critical Reasoning questions appraise your ability to construct arguments, appraise existing arguments, and create or assess a course of action. These questions are typically based on brief reading passages, typically under 100 words. They are accompanied by questions that inquire about which of the five answer options strengthens or weakens an argument, provides reasons for the argument’s shortcomings, or strongly supports or undermines the argument. It’s important to note that specialized subject matter knowledge is not required to answer these questions. 

GMAT Focus Edition Data Insights Section

The Data Insights section assesses candidates’ capacity to analyze and interpret data and apply it to real-world business scenarios. In the redesigned test format of the GMAT Focus Edition, Data Insights incorporates Integrated Reasoning and Data Sufficiency question types to evaluate a newly calibrated digital and data literacy dimension, which is highly relevant and in demand in today’s business environment. 

This section consists of 20 questions that task you with evaluating how various sources and forms of information – including graphical, numerical, and textual – interrelate and can be utilized to make informed decisions. These questions may necessitate mathematical skills, data analysis, verbal reasoning, or all three. Importantly, you are allowed to use an on-screen calculator during this section. 

The question types within this section encompass the following: 

  • Data Sufficiency: Evaluating your ability to analyze a quantitative problem, identify the relevant data, and determine when there is adequate data to resolve the issue. 
  • Multi-Source Reasoning: Measures your capacity to examine data from multiple sources, which could include text passages, tables, graphics, or a combination of these, and meticulously analyze each data source to address multiple questions. Some questions will require you to identify disparities among various data sources, while others will prompt you to make inferences or decide the relevance of data. 
  • Table Analysis: Assesses your ability to organize and scrutinize tabular data, akin to working with a spreadsheet, to ascertain pertinent information or meet specific conditions. 
  • Graphics Interpretation: Gauges your aptitude for interpreting information presented in various graphical formats, such as scatter plots, x/y graphs, bar charts, pie charts, or statistical curve distributions, to recognize relationships and draw inferences. 
  • Two-Part Analysis: Evaluating your capability to tackle intricate problems that may involve quantitative, verbal, or a fusion of both elements. The format is intentionally versatile to cover a wide range of content and measures your ability to assess trade-offs, solve simultaneous equations, and identify relationships between two entities. 

How does the Question Review & Edit function work? 

  • As you progress through a section, you have the option to bookmark questions for later review. 
  • Once you’ve answered all the questions in a section, you’ll be directed to the Question Review & Edit screen for that section. Please note that if there’s no remaining time in the section, you won’t be taken to the Question Review & Edit screen; instead, you’ll be automatically guided to your optional break screen or the next section if you’ve already taken your optional break. 
  • On the Question Review & Edit screen for each section, you’ll find a numbered list of the questions within that section, along with an indication of the questions you’ve bookmarked. 
  • By clicking on a specific question number, you’ll be directed to that particular question. 
  • You have the flexibility to review as many questions as you wish, and you can revise up to three (3) of your answers. 


GMAT Focus Edition Score

GMAT Score   Percentile   Score Description 
805 to 785  100.0%   Best 
775 to 755  99.9% 
755 to 665  99.8 % to 92.6% 
655 to 595  89.6% to 70.7%  Competitive 
585 to 555  64.8% to 51.4%  Good Enough 
535  38.2% 
495  25.1%  Average 
455  15.3% 
435  10.4%  Below Average 
395  5.3% 
365  3.3%  Poor 
335  2.1% 
315  1.0% 
205  0.0%  Fail 

New Format

    Verbal Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Data Insight
Number of Questions 23 21 20
Question Types Reading Comprehension;   Critical Reasoning Problem Solving;   Algebra and Arithmetic Data Sufficiency;   Multi-source Reasoning;   Table Analysis;   Graphics Interpretation;   Two-Part Analysis  
Section Duration 45 mins 45 mins 45 mins

This new edition of the test no longer includes an essay section. The whole test will only take 2.15 hours, excluding an optional 10 mins break.

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