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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship

Name of the Scholarship: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Scholarship





  • have a university degree and prove above
  • average academic performance,
  • are not older than thirty when applying,
  • have good knowledge of the German language,
  • are actively engaged in voluntary work,
  • plan to study a minimum of four semesters at a university in Germany,
  • support democracy, rule of law and human rights.
Amount: Not mentioned


Application Process:

  • Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is active worldwide. Eachyear our admission procedure focusses on different countries and regions around the world – maybe this year we will come to your country or region! Please check our homepage for details on the application process and the focus regions.
  • In case you are already living in Germany, you are welcome to apply for a scholarship through our domestic application procedure.


Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs: All German Universities 


Deadlines: July 15th each year

Heinrich Boll Scholarships

Name of the Scholarship: Heinrich Boll Scholarships


Link: https://www.boell.de/en/scholarships

Eligibility: Master’s degree only; proof of first professional qualification must be provided
Amount: €934 per month plus various individual allowances, possibly health insurance or similar
Application Process:
1. Gather information on the application process and the requested documents
2. Register for the online application portal
3. Provide the requested information in the Online Application Portal
4. After uploading all of your documents, submit your application before the end of the application deadline
Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs: Degree courses at state or state recognised universities in Germany
Deadlines: The application deadline is March 1st and September 1st. Please note: We only accept online applications. The application portal will be opened about 6 weeks before the application deadline.

Timeline: January – March
August – September


DLD Executive MBA Scholarship

Name of the Scholarship: DLD Executive MBA Scholarship


Link: https://scholarship-positions.com/dld-executive-mba-scholarship-berlin-school-creative-leadership-germany/2018/04/05/


Eligibility: All countries are eligible to apply for this application . This scholarship is only available for applicants in leadership positions. Accomplished senior executives in digital, technology, media, advertising, and entertainment or a similar field with a strong professional background, creative mindset, and track record of creative and/or business excellence.

Amount: Scholarship Award: €53,000 in tuition support


Application Process: To apply for the opportunity applicants need to take admission in the MBA degree program at Berlin School of Creative Leadership. After taking admission candidates can apply for the opportunity through the given link: https://berlinschool.fluidreview.com/


Participating Universities:MBA Programs


Deadline: Not updated on the page.

Kurt Hansen Science Scholarships

Name of the Scholarship: Kurt Hansen Science Scholarships


Eligibility:Applicants must study or work in Germany.
The following can apply for a grant:

  • students of pedagogy, trainee teachers or student teachers (Bachelor, Master, PhD) in STEM subjects
  • young teachers (less than 3 years of teaching experience) with a focus on STEM subjects
  • teachers at elementary schools and special schools (independent of their professional experience) who want to improve their knowledge and skills in STEM teaching

Amount : individual financial support, but limited to 10,000 EUR per request

Application Process: https://www.bayer-foundation.com/science/fellowships-stipends#ForStudentTeachers

Participating Universities: Not mentioned

Deadlines: You can find our 2023 guidelines here (the 2024 guidelines will follow soon). Our next application phase will start February 12, 2024.

Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship

Name of the Scholarship: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Scholarship


Link: https://www.fes.de/studienfoerderung/grundfoerderung-fuer-auslaender-innen/



  • We support foreign applicants who are already studying or doing their doctorate in Germany – at a state or state-recognized university or technical college. We expect above-average academic and study-related performance and initial graded proof of achievement. A further prerequisite is commitment to the values ​​of social democracy.
  • Very good German language skills must be demonstrated, even if the course is completed in English. We accept up to 40 people from Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe into our support program every year.
  • You can submit your online application at any time, but no later than … for bachelor’s degree programsup to 3 semesters before graduation according to the standard period of study (6 semesters: until the end of the 3rd semester; 7 semesters: until the end of the 4th semester) for diploma/magister/state examination courses until the end of the 6th semester for master’s programs (4 semesters) before or at the beginning of the first semester of the master’s program; The deadlines apply here: May 31st. (summer semester) or November 30th (winter semester)
Amount: Foreign scholarship holders receive 934 euros per month and health insurance costs. For scholarship holders with children, we also offer a child care allowance of 160 euros per child. The scholarship does not have to be repaid.


Application Process: https://www.fes.de/studienfoerderung/bewerbung/wie-laeuft-der-bewerbungsprozess-ab


Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs: Not Mentioned.

Deadlines:The deadlines apply here: May 31st. (summer semester) or November 30th (winter semester)


Timeline:Winter: September – November

Summer: March – May


DAAD Scholarship

Name of the Scholarship: DAAD Scholarship


Link: https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/scholarships/important-information-for-scholarship-applicants/


Eligibility:An application from your current country of residence is possible under certain circumstances:

  • If you wish to apply for a short-term scholarship (up to 6 months), you must have lived in your country of residence for at least one year at the time of application and have a residence there.
  • If you would like to come to Germany for more than 6 months, you must also have obtained your last degree (e.g. Bachelor/Master) in your country of residence or obtain this degree until the start of the scholarship.
  • In any case, you can apply from your country of origin, even if you currently live in another country and meet the above requirements. Your country of origin is usually the country in which you have spent most of your life and may differ from your nationality.
  • Example: You were born and raised in Albania and have lived in the UK for four years , where you also obtained your Bachelor’s degree. It is best to apply from the UK as you have a UK degree. It is possible to apply from Albania as an alternative. – However, you may not apply from both countries at the same time.
Amount: The scholarship payment depends on the academic qualifications of the scholarship holders and on the scholarship programme. Scholars taking a Master’s programme typically receive € 934, doctoral candidates and postdocs € 1,300. Rates for university teachers are usually € 2,000 for assistant teachers, assistant professors and lecturers, € 2,150 for professors. You can find an overview of other possible benefits in each programme’s.


Application Process: Your application is only complete if you submit all the application documents listed in the Call for Applications. Artistic work samples (e.g. audio files) are uploaded via a media database – you will receive an upload link as indicated in the Call for Aplication. In some cases, individual documents (e.g. university certificate) may be submitted at a later date if this is explicitly permitted in the programme’s Call for Applications.


Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs: Not Mentioned.


Deadlines: The current calls for applications, application deadlines and persons to contact at DAAD are included here.

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