Study In Netherlands

Grading System In the Netherlands

The universities in Netherlands use grades from 10 to 1 to indicate students’ performance in university exams. Grade 10 is the highest grade awarded to a student, and 1 is the lowest grade. This grading system was introduced in the 19th century. A grade of 10 is only awarded to a student if they achieve an absolute perfection, which is very rare. A grade of 9 is also rarely awarded; however, grade 8 is considered excellent. Similarly, grades 1, 2, and 3 are rarely awarded to students. The table below offers insights on the grading system in the Netherlands and comparable grades from the UK and US.

Scale UK Grade US Grade Meaning
10.00 A+ A+ Outstanding
9.5 A+ A+ Outstanding
9 A+ A+ Very Good
8.5 A A+ Very Good
8 A/A- A Good
7.5 B+ A/A- Good
7 B B+ More than Satisfactory
6.5 C+ B More than Satisfactory
6 C/D B-/C Satisfactory
5.5 D D Satisfactory
5 F F Almost Satisfactory
4 F F Unsatisfactory
3 F F Very Unsatisfactory
2 F F Poor
1 F F Very Poor

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