New Zealand Scholarships

Table of Content

1. University of Auckland India High Achievers Scholarship

Eligibility –  

  • To be eligible for Scholarship consideration, an applicant must i) be an international student (see Note II, ii) hold a 
  • passport issued by the government of India, iii) be resident outside of New Zealand at the time of application for this 
  • Scholarship, iv) be either a new student who has received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission, or an 
  • English Language Academy (ELA) student who has received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission, or a 
  • student enrolled, or enrolling, in the Summer Start International programme who has received a conditional or 
  • unconditional offer of admission, and v) be enrolled or enrolling full-time in either a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) or 
  • masters degree, or an undergraduate degree (applying with overseas secondary or post-secondary qualifications) at 
  • Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland. Students who have already commenced study at Waipapa Taumata 
  • Rau, University of Auckland, excluding study in the Summer Start International programme (see Note IV), students 
  • who have undertaken any tertiary level study in New Zealand, or students enrolling in a Business masters 
  • programme in the Graduate School of Management (GSM), excluding the Master of Applied Finance, the Master of Business Analytics and the Master of Supply Chain Management, are not eligible to apply for this Scholarship. A 
  • grade point equivalent (GPE) of at least 6.00 is required for Scholarship consideration. 


  • A Scholarship of up to $20,000 towards tuition fees for new international students from India enrolling full-time in undergraduate degrees, PGDip or masters degrees. 


  • August to October 

Application Process

  • Application is made to the Scholarships Office 
  • A Selection Committee assesses the applications 
  • The Scholarship is awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Selection Committee 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs

  • The main purpose of the Scholarship is to attract new international students of high calibre from India to enrol full-time in undergraduate or postgraduate taught study of one year or more at Waipapa Taumata Rau | University of Auckland. 


  • 24 October 2024 (Semester One 2025 intake) and 1 April 2025 (Semester Two 2025 intake) 

2. University of Auckland International Business Masters Scholarship


  • an applicant must be i) a new international student, and ii) enrolled, or 
  • enrolling, full-time in a Master of Applied Finance (MAppFin), a Master of Business Analytics (MBusAn), a Master of 
  • International Business (MIntBus), a Master of Management (MMgt), a Master of Marketing (MMktg),or a Master of 
  • Professional Accounting (MProfAcctg) degree at the University of Auckland Business School. Students who have 
  • commenced study in the programme, or undertaken any prior study at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of 
  • Auckland, are not eligible for consideration. A grade point average (GPA) or grade point equivalent (GPE) of at least 
  • 6.00 is required for Scholarship consideration (see Note III). 


  • Up to $24,000 

Application Process

  • Application is made to the Scholarships Office 
  • A Selection Committee assesses the applications 
  • The Scholarship is awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Selection Committee 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs 

  • The main purpose of the Scholarship is to attract new international students to the Business Masters programmes 
  • offered by the University of Auckland Business School, enabling them to gain the skills and knowledge required to launch 
  • a business career. A key objective is to enhance the diversity of the class profile 


  • 20 January 2025 (April intake) 29 May 2025 (September intake) 


  • December to January 

3. University of Auckland International Student Excellence Scholarship


  • To be eligible for Scholarship consideration, an applicant must i) be an international student (see Note II), ii) be either 
  • a new student who has received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission, or an English Language Academy 
  • (ELA) student who has received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission, or a student enrolled, or enrolling, 
  • in the Summer Start International programme who has received a conditional or unconditional offer of admission and 
  • iii) be enrolled, or enrolling, full-time in either a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) or masters degree, or an 
  • undergraduate degree (applying with overseas secondary or post-secondary qualifications) at Waipapa Taumata 
  • Rau, University of Auckland (see Note III). Students who have already commenced study at Waipapa Taumata Rau, 
  • University of Auckland, excluding study in the Summer Start International programme (see Note IV), students who have undertaken any tertiary level study in New Zealand, or students enrolling in a Business master programme in 
  • the Graduate School of Management (GSM), excluding the Master of Applied Finance, the Master of Business 
  • Analytics and the Master of Supply Chain Management, are not eligible to apply for this Scholarship. A grade point 
  • equivalent (GPE) of at least 6.00 is required for Scholarship consideration (see Note V). 


  • Up to 50 Scholarships will be awarded annually and will comprise a contribution towards compulsory tuition fees of 
  • up to $10,000 each 

Application Process

  • Applications are made to the Scholarships Office 
  • A Selection Committee assesses the applications 
  • The Scholarship is awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Selection Committee 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs

  • The main purpose of the Scholarship is to attract new international students of high calibre to enrol in undergraduate or 
  • postgraduate study of one year or more at Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland. 


  • 24 October 2024 (Semester One 2025 intake) and 1 April 2025 (Semester Two 2025 intake) 


  • August to October 

4. University of Waikato Vice Chancellor's International Excellence Scholarship


  • Enrolling within 12 months of the dates outlined in the Offer of Place and 
  • commencing a full-time programme/s of study of at least 120 points at the 
  • University of Waikato in the year(s) of tenure. 
  • The original scholarship offer is valid only within 12 months of the dates outlined in the Offer of Place unless deferral is approved. 
  • If for any reason a recipient defers study at the University of Waikato within one calendar year from their original start date, their scholarship may also be deferred if the recipient advises when confirmation of the new start date has been received. If a student defers to a new date outside of one year, then their scholarship will no longer be valid, and they will need to apply again when scholarship applications are open for that new year. 
  • 1.4.2. Residing in New Zealand for the entire tenure of the scholarship and remaining studying full-time on campus in New Zealand. 
  • 1.4.3. Maintaining international student status within the University’s student system during the entire tenure of the scholarship. Any change in status will result in the scholarship being fully or partly removed from the student’s account. 


  • The scholarship value is between $2,500 and $15,000 

Application Process

  • 3.1. Applications can be submitted at any time and decisions will normally be made within 8 to 12 weeks of the time of application. However, applications will not be considered if received within four weeks of the start of each of the university’s three main trimesters (A, B, and C Trimesters). 
  • 3.2. As part of their online submission, applicants must: 
  • 3.2.1. upload their conditional or unconditional offer of place from the University of Waikato. 
  • 3.2.2. ensure they provide specific details when explaining why they want to study at the University of Waikato and how they will be a global ambassador for the University of Waikato. 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs –  

  • 4.1. Applications will be ranked and recommended according to the Selection Criteria by the 
  • International Office and forwarded to the Selection Panel for consideration. 
  • 4.2. The Selection Panel will comprise the Chair of the Scholarships Committee and the Director – 
  • International (or their nominees). 
  • 4.3. The Selection Panel’s decisions are final, and no correspondence will be entered into following 
  • each selection meeting 


  • 31-Dec-25 

5. University of Otago International Master's Research Scholarship


  • The University of Otago International Research Master’s Scholarship provides funding to support international Master’s students studying at the University of Otago. 
  •  Applicants must be: 
  • obtaining their first Master’s qualification international students undertaking a thesis-based Master’s Selection is based predominantly on academic merit and the applicant’s potential for research. 
  • Please note this Scholarship will only provide support for the thesis component of a Master’s Research degree for up to 1 year full-time enrolment. It also only partially covers the cost of your tuition fees. As an international student you will be charged a higher level of tuition fees than a New Zealand domestic student. The Scholarship covers tuition fees for your thesis only at the domestic fee rate, i.e. the cost a New Zealand student would pay for their fees. This will be significantly less than the overall cost of your tuition fees and you will need to pay the difference between the two rates yourself 


  • NZ$18,204 stipend per annum plus a tuition fee waiver for 1 year capped at the domestic rate for Master’s study (excludes student services fee and insurance) 

Application Process

  • Applications are made online through the eVision portal after applying for admission to a programme. The application form will be available through an alert at one of the following times: 
  • when applying for admission (if the degree is by thesis only, or if the thesis will begin straight away) – you will receive an alert in your eVision portal after applying for admission to your programme, inviting you to apply for a scholarship; or, just before the thesis component is about to begin (usually at the start of the second year for a master’s degree by papers and thesis) – you will receive an alert in your eVision portal after enrolling in your thesis paper.

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs –  

  • Commerce/School of Business Funding is available for 2024. 
  • Health Sciences Funding is available from February 2024. 
  • Humanities Funding is available for 2024. 
  • Sciences Funding is available from February 2024 


  • Applicants can apply anytime 


  • Applicants can apply anytime 

6. MBA Awards (Massey University)


  • Eligibility will be determined at time of application (up to $6,000 if you meet all the criteria), with awards offered on a first-come, first-served basis. 


  • Up to $6,000 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs  

  • Massey University 


  • Status: Open 


  • Status: Open 

7. Massey University Master's Research Scholarship (Massey University)


You must: 

  • be enrolling full time or part time in a 90 credit or more research component of a master’s degree with a start date which aligns with the scholarship closing date as per the scholarship regulations. 
  • There are two selection rounds annually for the Massey University Master’s Research Scholarship, closing at the start of semester 1 and closing at the start of semester 2 


  • Status: Open 

Application Process

  • Include the following with your application: 
  • a statement from your primary supervisor commenting on your quality and capability as a researcher (one page maximum) a research proposal highlighting the relevance and alignment of your research with the College and University strategy. You should consult with your supervisor for guidance on these strategies (one page maximum) 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs

  • Massey University 
  • For candidates undertaking research in any field as part of a master’s degree 


  • 15-Feb-25 


  • Applications open: 15 November 2024 
  • Closing date: 15 February 2025 

8. Global Alumni Graduate Fees Waiver (University of Wellington)


  • The fees waiver is open to the following applicants: 
  • Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington international alumni returning for full-time postgraduate taught study, excluding Graduate and Postgraduate Certificates, Certificate of Proficiency, Master by Thesis, PhD, and EAP; 
  • Exchange and Study Abroad students progressing to a full-time postgraduate taught programme or undergraduate degree. 
  • Applicants must be Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington’s international alumni – i.e. they have completed a programme of studies at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington previously. 
  • Applicants must have an offer of place for a full-time undergraduate or postgraduate programme at Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington and must meet any academic and English language conditions attached to their offer as stated in their Offer of Place. 
  • Applicants must be classified as international fee-paying students paying the international tuition fee rate without other discounts, waivers and scholarships applied. 


  • A $5,000 fee waiver for the first academic year of study (120 points) is awarded to eligible candidates. 
  • The tuition fee discount will be applied to the recipient’s student fees account after the final withdrawal date for the courses of the trimester the recipient has been awarded for (roughly two weeks into the trimester). 

Application Process

  • A completed online application must be submitted by 4.30 pm on the closing date. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted. Any required supporting documentation (including references) must also be received by 4.30 pm on the closing date for the application to be considered. 
  • Applications will normally open one month prior to the closing date. If no application link is provided below, check back again closer to the closing date. 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs –  

  • Victoria University of Wellington 


  • Trimester 1: 1 February; Trimester 2: 1 June; Trimester 3: 1 October 

9. Lucy Beatrice Moore Prize in Environmental Science (University of Auckland)


  • Nomination is made to the Scholarships Office 
  • The Prize is awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Head of the School of 
  • Environment 


  • $1,000 

Application Process

  • You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee. 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs –  

  • MSc thesis in Environmental Science  


  • By nomination 

10. New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Masters Prize in Engineering (University of Auckland


  • New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Masters Prize in 
  • Engineering 
  • Description 
  • The Prize was established in 1999 and is financed by New Zealand Aluminium Smelters Limited. 
  • The main purpose of this Prize is to recognise excellence in the field of Engineering at masters level at the University of 
  • Auckland. 
  • Selection process 
  • Nomination is made to the Scholarships Office 
  • The Prize will be awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Head of the Department 
  • of Chemical and Materials Engineering 


  • $1,000 

Application Process

  • You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee. 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs  

  • ME thesis in the field of Materials and Chemicals Processing research 


  • By nomination 

11. Winifred Gimblett Prize (University of Auckland)


  • Nomination is made to the Scholarships Office 
  • The Prize is awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Head of the School of 
  • Psychology 


  • $1,600 

Application Process 

  • You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee. 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs  

  • Postgraduate research in Psycholog 


  • By nomination 

12. Master of Health Psychology First Year Student Prize(University of Auckland)


  • Nomination is made to the Scholarships Office 
  • The Prize are awarded by the University of Auckland Council on the recommendation of the Head of the Department of 
  • Psychological Medicine 


  • $500 

Application Process

  • You do not need to apply for this scholarship, award or prize or complete an online application form. It is awarded on the recommendation of the relevant faculty or University of Auckland committee 

Participating Universities/Acceptable Programs –  

  • Master of Health Psychology 


  • By nomination 

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